Thursday, January 16, 2014

Hearing Loss and Heart Disease

According the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number one killer. A healthy heart needs to be a concern for every American. Interestingly, a study by Harvard University established a staggering relation between heart disease and hearing loss. They found hearing loss occurred 54% more often in people with heart disease then in the general population.

 It is believed that heart disease damages hearing. Heart disease reduces the flow of blood through the veins, arteries and ultimately to the organs of the body. Reduced blood flow damages the heart and other organs including the hearing nerves deep in the inner ear. Researchers at Harvard University believe the hearing nerves are so fragile that the ears are likely the first organs to be damaged by cardiovascular disease. There are those who believe one day hearing loss may be able to predict heart disease.

Eat right and exercise. One study saw a 32% reduction in risk for heart disease when exercising once a week. Plus a healthy cardiovascular system has a positive effect on hearing. Good blood circulation throughout the body means good blood circulation to the ears and healthier hearing nerves.

Hearing loss is also associated with other diseases including diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. Those with these disorders along with heart disease are at greater risk for hearing loss. Have regular hearing checks and use hearing aids when recommended. Those who use hearing aids report many health benefits some of which are better overall health, being more physically active and having a more active social life.

Schedule a hearing evaluation with an audiologist. Audiologists are uniquely and specially trained to evaluate hearing and fit hearing aids.

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Image obtained 1-13-13 at:

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Why are some hearing tests free and others are not?

"Free" rarely really is free.  Those who offer free hearing tests have to cover this cost one way or another.  Usually the cost of testing is bundled into the price of the hearing aids.  It is hard to see the added cost since it is difficult to price compare hearing aids from one place to another. 

Often, hearing aid dealers offer “free” hearing tests because they cannot be reimbursed by your insurance company.  Bundling the costs helps them re-coop the expense of the equipment and their time.  Usually, an audiologist will be reimbursed by your insurance company.  Allowing the insurance company to pick up even this expense helps to keep the cost of the hearing aids down.

More importantly, the testing an audiologist performs is more thorough and complete.  A hearing aid dealer can measure hearing.  An audiologist can perform an audiologic assessment.  Audiologic assessment includes the measurement of hearing, and evaluation of middle and inner ear function.  This provides in-depth information about your ears as well as your hearing.  It determines whether you may have medical problem and need to see a physician or if you need hearing aids.  If you need hearing aids, this test is used to adjust your hearings and impacts your success with hearing aids. 

Another point of confusion is the offer of a free hearing screening.  Hearing screening does not take the place of a diagnostic evaluation.  A true hearing screening offers very little information about hearing.  It simply says whether or not you need a diagnostic evaluation.  Hearing screenings are often offered at places such as health fairs or senior centers.  If you have a screening and do not pass, an audiologic evaluation is needed.

Give yourself good care this year.  Schedule an appointment with an audiologist.   

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Picture obtained 12-20-13 at: