A hearing loss between 16 and 25dB is considered a
borderline normal level or a minimal hearing loss. In children, a hearing loss at this level
will significantly impact the ability to learn language and succeed
academically. For adults, with a hearing
loss at this level, people may seem to “mumble” or speak softly. Communication in group settings, in the
presence of even a slight amount of noise, will become very challenging. Participation in social events, church
functions and family gatherings may be frustrating and even embarrassing, when
hearing loss results in miscommunication.
Quite often, even a minimal hearing loss can result in anger
and frustration, anxiety, depression and isolation. Success depends upon what your husband’s
expectations are from treatment with hearing aids. They have been shown to
improve communication in all situations.
Certainly hearing aids will help to improve communication with the
family, in church, stores and on the telephone.
The volume on the television set will be lowered, reducing a great deal
of tension around the house.
Participation in group meetings will become much more satisfying. He may even begin to realize that
communication is no longer exhausting. With
the help of hearing instruments, your husband may recognize just what he has
been missing.
Life sounds great! Enjoy every moment!
8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818
Image obtained 9-16-14 at: https://www.google.com/search?q=images+of+help&biw=1319&bih=914&tbm=isch&imgil=Hi9XCYDk47ArcM%253A%253BDxJXeUI0k1SICM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fmicrosoftupdateshelp.com%25252F&source=iu&pf=m&fir=Hi9XCYDk47ArcM%253A%252CDxJXeUI0k1SICM%252C_&usg=__HESq3wH6LHERm_AIWwGYcMAz_I0%3D&ved=0CDUQyjc&ei=sJwYVJ31Nc6TyASE2YLABQ#facrc=_&imgdii=-febcMLmvmgfCM%3A%3B_ewL1xNCJ6fD3M%3B-febcMLmvmgfCM%3A&imgrc=-febcMLmvmgfCM%253A%3BDymGzhvzQkvRXM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.customrecall.com%252Fmedia%252Fwysiwyg%252Fhelp-button.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.customrecall.com%252Fneedhelp%3B730%3B655