Quite often we take
our ability to hear for granted. When it
is compromised, temporarily or permanently, we begin to realize how much we
depend on our sense of hearing. Reduced
hearing sensitivity can result in wide range of physical and emotional
conditions including: irritability, negativism, anger, fatigue, tension,
stress, depression, avoidance or withdrawal from social situations and
loneliness. Yikes, who wants to be faced
with all of that?
Fortunately, there are numerous solutions for those with
hearing issues. As Jane and I have
stated many times before, the first step in finding those solutions is to begin
with a baseline hearing test. This
testing will be the guide to finding the correct course of treatment. If hearing instruments are recommended, there
are many choices to fit lifestyle and hearing needs. Today’s technology is opening many new avenues
to improve listening experiences.
This Holiday Season, resolve to appreciate the gift
of hearing. Discover the importance of
being able to confidently participate in all conversational situations, watch
and understand television, hear on the telephone and listen to music. We have so much to gain by hearing well.
Life sounds great! Enjoy every moment!
8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818