Hearing in noisy places can be difficult and
frustrating. The first and best thing
you can do hear in noisy places is to keep both ears hearing. It is necessary for the ears to work together
to hear well inn noisy places. Be sure
to wear two hearing aids when you have difficulty hearing in both ears. Second,
studies show that those who use hearing aids with directional microphones hear
better in noise. Directional microphone
help you focus on the person you’re talking with and reduces the impact of the
background sound. Third, the restaurant
you choose and where you sit in the restaurant affect how well you hear in
noise. Here are a few things to keep in mind.
Choose a quiet restaurant.
Go to restaurants at less busy
times. For example, have lunch at 1:00
instead of noon.
When you are being seated, ask to be
seated along the wall or in a corner away and from the kitchen.
- Avoid dark restaurants. You will be better able to pick up lip
clues and facial expressions in a lighted restaurant.
- Go to restaurants with carpeting, drapes and tablecloths. These
all absorb sound and create a quieter atmosphere.
- If the music is too loud, ask to have it turned down.
- Pick restaurants that don’t have a bar, or those where the bar
is in a separate room. This too
will reduce the background noise.
- Last but not least, simply ask for a quiet table! There’s bound
to be at least one.
Planning ahead and carefully
choosing where to go will help ensure a pleasant evening.
Life sounds great! Enjoy every moment!
Jane Kukula, AuD & Ashley Spisak, AuD
8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818