Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hearing loss and denial

We often see people with hearing loss resist seeking help.  There are many reasons why they resist assistance.  Denial is one way of resisting.  Understanding where it comes from can help you work with her.
It can be easy to deny there is a problem and blame others for the difficulty.  Hearing loss makes voices sound soft and mumbled.   It is appears that the speaker is not speaking up or clearly.  When she watches TV, the volume does not sound loud to her and leading her to think others like volume very soft.
She may not realize all that she misses.  Hearing loss is often gradual.  It decreases slowly over time.  So slowly, people can be unaware that hearing is changing.  Some sounds such as bird songs, fade away without being noticed and aren’t missed when they fade away altogether.
Not knowing or understanding about hearing and hearing aids or where to go and who to see, can create fear.  To complicate it, many have heard stories of people who were unsuccessful with hearing aids.  This can create concern about the financial investment.  Today’s hearing aids are better than ever. We can help her find cost effective hearing aids if they are indicated.
Help her to focus on what she is missing and how hearing loss is changing her life in a negative ways.   Those with untreated hearing loss will isolate themselves and withdraw from social situations.  Share with her how you feel when she is not able to participate in family activities.  Stop in and pick up some information about hearing aids to share with her.  Help her to understand hearing aid technology has improved over the last few years and can be very helpful and inconspicuous. 
Now is a great time to get started.  Schedule her for a hearing evaluation.  An audiologist can help her understand what is happening with her hearing and alleviate some of her fears.  Call one now.
Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

What should I know about purchasing hearing aids?

Buying hearing aids can be a very daunting process.  The nature and degree of your hearing loss will be a factor in determining the style of instrumentation that will be appropriate for you.  The audiologist will guide you through this process.  Information regarding your life style, work setting, recreational activities and expectations from amplification will be helpful in making a decision regarding the hearing aids. 
Several different styles are available.  The number of microphones, programs and features should be thoroughly discussed, as well as the availability of a telecoil.  Not all features and styles are appropriate for every person or every type of hearing loss. 

Cost of the instruments varies depending upon the level of technology and features of the aids.  If the price of the hearing aids would cause you not to buy them, be sure to ask if a more basic model would also be appropriate for you needs.  Inquire about the availability of financial assistance.  Although most insurance companies will cover the cost of the hearing assessment, they generally do not cover the cost of hearing aids.

The hearing aids should be fit with a trial period .  You should expect to be seen for at least two or three hearing aids checks, to discuss your progress.  Questions you have regarding the hearing aids, how they function, how well you are hearing in quiet and in noise, on the phone and in challenging listening situations will be addressed.  If at the end of the trial period, you are not satisfied with the hearing aids, you have the right to return them or exchange them and try something different. Generally, there is a non-refundable fee when the instruments are returned.
Purchasing hearing aids should be a positive experience with a successful outcome.  Work together with your audiologist for the best results.  

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Picture obtained at:

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Why do people resist using hearing aids?

There are many reasons why people resist seeking hearing help.  A study by the Better Hearing Institute revealed some of them. 

First, hearing loss usually increases slowly over time.  Often, people don’t notice the slow decrease.  They are unaware of it.  To make it more difficult to realize it is their ears, hearing loss sounds like people mumbling.  This makes it is easy to believe others speak softly or mumble. 

Second, embarrassment and discomfort with the thought of hearing aids can lead to denial and resistance.  Deep down they know they have hearing loss but just are not ready for hearing aids.  This is no longer a good reason to not seek help.  Today’s hearing aids look great and work great! 

Third, The Better Hearing Institute found that misdirected medical advice results in someone who is ready for help from seeking help.  There was a time when hearing aids did little to assist severe hearing loss.  Some of this old thinking is still around today.  With the new hearing aid technologies there is help for everyone. 

Lastly, there is a lack of awareness of the importance of hearing.  Communication affects every aspect of life.  It impacts relationships, shopping, social gatherings and religious services.  We also know that those with hearing loss who use hearing aids are healthier!

Encourage your  loved ones to seek hearing help.  See an audiologist for a hearing evaluation.  You will be surprised by the look and quality of today's digital hearing aids.  

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

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