Untreated hearing loss has been known to have a significant
impact on the quality of one’s life. A multitude
of emotions surround those with hearing loss.
To name a few: sadness, anger,
frustration, embarrassment, feelings of inadequacy, isolation, loneliness and
loss of concentration. Often these
feelings can lead to exhaustion, withdrawal and depression.
Treatment of hearing loss, with the fitting with hearing
aids, has been shown to improve:
- Earning power
- Communication in relationships
- Intimacy and warmth in family relationships
- Ease of communication
- Emotional stability
- Physical health
- Group social participation
Additionally, treatment for hearing loss also reduces anger
and frustration in relationships, feelings of anxiety and paranoia, depression
and self-criticism. Research by the
Council on Aging has demonstrated that hearing aids clearly are associated with
impressive improvements in the social, emotional, psychological and physical
well-being of those with hearing loss.
Being fit with hearing aids has the potential to positively change your
life. Start the year off right, call to
schedule a complete Hearing Assessment to determine if hearing aids will be helpful
to you.
Life sounds great! Enjoy
every moment!
8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818
Image obtained 2-7-14 at: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.alfa.org/images/alfa/headers/Core_Values/quality-of-life_graphic.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.alfa.org/alfa/Quality_of_Life.asp&h=278&w=507&sz=34&tbnid=49Sf79DJzD5hzM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=215&zoom=1&usg=__wpq_fEUuAWH3A-_2rojYrpe-Qaw=&docid=uTLwGnusWB5rmM&sa=X&ei=hQP1Us69Bqm4yQGVo4HoBw&ved=0CEAQ9QEwCg