Hearing aid channels are tools the audiologist uses to fine
tune hearing aids. Channels are
frequency specific. When programming hearing
aids, each channel or sometimes a group of channels called a band, is given a
specific amount of volume based on the hearing evaluation results. As a result we can shape the frequency
response of the hearing aids to match your individual hearing ability.
How many channels are needed, is a hard question to
answer. The number one goal for hearing
aids is to improve your ability to understand conversation. A research study conducted by a hearing aid
manufacturer showed that after eight channels the amount of improvement in word understanding significantly decreases. Conventional thinking among audiologists is
to fit hearing aids with at least 12-16 channels to match the frequency points measured
in the hearing evaluation. There is no
evidence to support high numbers of channels (above30) as increasing word
understanding. There is evidence that
shows high numbers of channels slows down hearing aid processing speed.
When it comes to participating
in conversations, particularly in noisy places, there are more important features to consider than the number of channels or bands. Advanced features such as directional
microphones, noise canceling, noise reduction, gain reduction in noise and signal
processing have a greater impact on one’s ability to understand conversation in
noisy places.
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every moment!
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Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818
Image obtained 4-9-14 at: http://blog.crystalhearinguk.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/15-channels.jpg