Thursday, September 26, 2013

What impact does hearing loss have on the quality of life?

Untreated hearing loss has been known to have a significant impact on the quality of one’s life.  A multitude of emotions surround those with hearing loss.  To name a few: sadness, anger, frustration, embarrassment, feelings of inadequacy, isolation, loneliness and loss of concentration.  Often these feelings can lead to exhaustion, withdrawal and depression.
Treatment of hearing loss, with the fitting of hearing aids, has been shown to improve:
Earning power
Communication in relationships
Intimacy and warmth in family relationships
Ease in communication
Emotional stability
Sense of control over life events
Perception of mental function
Physical health
Group social participation

Additionally, treatment for hearing loss also reduces anger and frustration in relationships, feelings of anxiety and paranoia, depression and self-criticism.  Research by the National Council on Aging has demonstrated that hearing aids clearly are associated with impressive improvements in the social, emotional, psychological and physical well-being of those with hearing loss.   

Schedule a complete hearing evaluation.  If hearing loss is identified, consider the impact of an untreated hearing loss.  Fitting of hearing aids has the potential to positively change your life.

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Image obtained 9-25-13 from:,%252014:02%2520hrs/M_Id_259923_Old_people.jpg&imgrefurl=

Thursday, September 19, 2013

What to expect when investing in hearing aids

Start with an audiologic assessment performed by an audiologist.  An audiologist is uniquely trained in the diagnosis and management of hearing loss and has extensive training in hearing aids.  An audiologist will have either a doctoral or master’s degree in anatomy of the ear, diseases of the ear, hearing, hearing assessment, hearing aids and clinical training.  This begins with an inspection of the ear canals and eardrums.  It is followed by an assessment of the eardrums, hearing and hearing nerves. These checks are covered by Medicare and most insurance plans. 

The results of the evaluation will indicate whether you need hearing aids or if you need medical evaluation.  90% of the time hearing loss is not related to a medical condition and is permanent leading to the recommendation of hearing aids.  You can expect to be part of the decision making process and have all of your questions answered. 

If hearing aids are recommended, you and the audiologist will determine the best instruments for you.  Today’s hearing aids do a great job improving hearing and communication, and are small and discreet. Once ordered, hearing aids take a few days to week to arrive depending on whether or not a custom fit product is ordered.  We will make an impression of your ear if a custom product is needed.

The hearing aid fitting and training appointment can take up to an hour.  At that time, the hearing aids are programmed to your hearing, and the use and care are reviewed.  You will be able to practice putting them in your ears.  The first of several follow up appointments will be scheduled before you leave.

 If you are having difficulty hearing contact an audiologist and schedule a hearing evaluation.

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do hearing aids help with a mild hearing loss?

When hearing loss is present, even at a mild level, use of hearing aids will be helpful.

A hearing loss between 16 and 25 dB is considered a borderline normal level or a minimal hearing loss.  In children, a hearing loss at this level will significantly impact the ability to learn language and succeed academically.  For adults, with a hearing loss at this level, people may “mumble” or speak softly.  Communication in group settings, in the presence of even a slight amount of noise, will become very challenging.  Participation in social events, church functions and family gatherings may be frustrating and even embarrassing, when hearing loss results in miscommunication. 

Quite often, even a minimal hearing loss can result in anger and frustration, anxiety, depression and isolation.  Success depends upon what your husband’s expectations are from treatment with hearing aids. They have been shown to improve communication in all situations.  Certainly hearing aids will help to improve communication with the family, in church, stores and on the telephone.  The volume on the television set will be lowered, reducing a great deal of tension around the house.  Participation in group meetings will become much more satisfying.  He may even begin to realize that communication is no longer exhausting.  With the help of hearing instruments, your husband may recognize just what he has been missing. 

Treatment of hearing loss, even though he feels it isn’t “bad” enough, has the potential to positively change your life,  and that of those around you.  Start with a baseline hearing evaluation.  

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Image obtained 9-5-13 from:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What is the best way to talk to someone who has a hearing loss?

It is very important to recognize that the person with hearing loss is going to require some special attention in order to communicate.  Most importantly, be sure to speak face to face.  Individuals with hearing loss, even if wearing hearing aids, depend a great deal on facial expression and lip movements to fully understand what is being said.  Speaking with a mouth full of food or chewing gum makes lip reading very difficult.  Also, being in the same room is paramount.  It is not possible to carry on a satisfactory conversation from a different room, with the dishwasher running, the fan going or the television set on. 

It is not necessary to raise your voice or “yell”.  Speaking in a clear, distinct voice is most effective, particularly when speaking on the telephone.  This method of communication allows the person with the hearing loss to understand enough words to realize what you are trying to communicate.  Also, if you raise your voice, your facial expression changes and it would appear that you are upset or angry.

Noisy environments are particularly challenging for those with hearing loss.  Make attempts to find settings away from air conditioners, running water, entryways, speakers and the restaurant kitchen.  If seated in a restaurant, be sure to find a quiet location and sit across the table from the person with hearing loss. 

Hearing aids do not restore hearing to normal.  They are very helpful in improving the ability to communicate, but it is necessary for everyone to contribute toward a successful conversational situation.  The person with hearing loss needs to advocate for themselves.  Family, friends and co-workers must be told what is needed to help improve communication.  Hearing loss is an invisible disability and it is easy to forget someone has a hearing loss.

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Picture obtained on 8-8-13 from: