Thursday, May 29, 2014

What is an extended wear hearing aid?

Lyric® Hearing Aids are the world’s first and only extended wear hearing instruments.  These unique instruments are worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week up to 4 months.  They are a hassle-free, 100% invisible hearing solution. 

Effortless Hearing

Lyric is the only hearing aid that can be worn without daily insertion or removal and there are no batteries to change.  It can be safely worn through daily activities such as showering, exercising, sleeping and talking on the phone. 

100% Invisible

Lyric is placed deep in the ear canal, approximately 4 millimeters from the ear drum.  This allows for both the microphone and receiver to fit in the ear canal, assisting with natural sound quality.  It cannot be seen from any angle, at any time.  The programmable device is comfortably placed during a routine office visit.  It is not an implant and it can be removed with a special tool. 

Unique Design

Two soft foam seals are engineered to contour to the ear canal.  They are coated with a technology developed to protect them from moisture and earwax.   The designed team of ENT physicians, audiologists, and engineers built the device around three key concepts:
1.  Sound Quality improves with proximity to the eardrum 
2.  Many people with hearing loss are dissatisfied with their hearing aid options
3.  Many people with hearing loss want a hassle-free, invisible solution

Natural Sound Quality;

Lyric uses the natural anatomy of the outer ear to direct sound to the microphone, where it is then amplified at the ear drum.  Because Lyric takes advantage of the ear’s anatomy, users experience natural sound quality and improved directionality and localization (the ability to hear where sounds come from).  Eighty six percent Lyric users agree that the sound quality is very good.

Risk Free Trial

Phonak, the manufacturer of Lyric offers a 30 day risk free trial with the device.  If your hearing ability, and the size and shape of your ear canal are appropriate, you may be fit with the device immediately.  Simply see a Lyric provider.  Click here to find one in your area.

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Thursday, May 8, 2014

How do you know if you have hearing loss?

Ann Gilmore Hall, the Executive Director of the Hearing Loss Association of America, stated that hearing loss is a major public health issue.  Over 48 million Americans have hearing loss, ½ of which are under 65 years of age.  It is estimated that about 20% of adults in the US have some degree of loss.  So you are not alone if you are experiencing hearing difficulty. 

ImageIf you notice changes in hearing, have a hearing evaluation.  If you don’t notice changes in hearing but others are suggest you are having trouble, ask yourself a few questions.   
Do you:
1.       Think others mumble?
2.       Are you able to hear others from behind you or from another room?
3.       Set the TV louder than others like?
4.       Have noises in your ears?
5.       Feel left out of conversations?
6.       Have difficulty hearing in noisy places such as restaurant?
7.       Have trouble hearing in meetings or at church?

If you said yes to any of these, it’s time to have a hearing evaluation. Waiting to address hearing loss can result in social isolation, depression and decreased physical well being.  Call today to schedule a hearing evaluation.  

Life sounds great!  Enjoy every moment!

8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
Fax: 440-205-9818

Image obtained 4-9-14 at: