Today I saw someone who found hearing aids to be life changing. She had a significant hearing loss that crept up slowly. It happened so slowly, she did not know how poor her hearing really was. One day she realized she was missing out on conversations. She attended social gatherings, family events and church but felt left out. She even found it a challenge to talk with store clerks.

Though getting hearing aids is not life changing for everyone, even subtle improvements in hearing have a positive impact in life. People are comfortable wearing hearing aids, they are light on the ears and inconspicuous. Typically people forget they have them on.
Most people seek hearing help when they realize they are missing things that are important to them. Sometimes it is difficulty hearing at work, miss hearing the boss is never good. For others it happens when they have trouble hearing the grandchildren. Others it is when the volume on the TV becomes too loud for family members (usually it doesn’t sound loud to the person with hearing difficulties). At times it happens with the loss of spouse who has been the "ears" of the couple.
Whatever the reason or the catalyst that brings someone to our office, each person is treated with respect. We understand that for some it is stressful. Know that hearing assessment is easy and painless. Individual needs and hearing challenges are addressed.
If it seems people speak softly, mumble or if you miss hear what was said, Act now! Schedule an appointment.
To learn more about us go to We can help.
Life Sounds Great! Enjoy Every Moment!
Advanced Audiology Concepts
8897 Mentor Ave
Mentor, Ohio 44060
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